Siberian, born in November 1978, with a degree in Fashion Design, Ludmilla Radchenko a multifaceted artist, mixes photographs captured during experiences and travels, far from the traditional style of Pop Art, Radchenko presents her subjects in a key loaded with social content.
His anarchic painterly strokes applied to the precision of digital processing create compositions rich in visual messages, collages of everyday life with brushstrokes of irony. These works imbued with meanings are intended to engage the viewer by accompanying him to develop his own key to interpretation. Radchenko has always been attracted to Pop Art, probably due to a childhood spent in an anti-capitalist Soviet regime where the bright colors, logos, brands, and advertisements of modern culture were banned, elements that became focal points of hidden desire. As she explains, “Pop Art instinctively turned into Pop Realism became a perfect way to
fill my spaces and express my worldview.”
Ludmilla Radchenko currently lives and works in Milan, Italy, where she opened her own art studio. In December 2010 his first Power Pop catalog, published by Skira, was released in Feltrinelli bookstores. Ludmilla’s creativity is not limited to canvas, but crosses over into areas such as fashion and design. His commissions include some works made for some rock stars such as Jamiroquai and Grace Johns, for Moto GP world champions Jorge Lorenzo and F1 champion Sebastian Vettel.